Completing the aspergillus metabolome
The Aspergillus Metabolome Database is a free online resource to perform metabolite annotation in Mass Spectrometry studies devoted to the genus Aspergillus. The database has been created retrieving and curating information from 1,311 compounds present in 289 different species and subspecies of genus Aspergillus. 569 scientific journals where these metabolites are mentioned had been added as metainformation linked to their respective compounds in the database. A web service to query the database based on m/z searches has been added to CEU Mass Mediator; these queries may be performed only over the Aspergillus Database, or may also include a user selectable set of other general metabolomic databases. This functionality is offered via web application and via RESTful services. Furthermore, the complete content of the database has been made available in excel files and as a MySQL database backup to facilitate its integration into third-party tools that are here provided. Up to our knowledge, these are the first database and the first service specifically devoted to Aspergillus metabolite annotation based on m/z searches.
GitHub repository
Feel free to clone our software repository and check the code.
MySQL dump
Obtain a full dump of the aspergillus metabolome database.
Excel files
Obtain a full dump of the aspergillus metabolome database in an Excel flavour.
Database E/R Model
Know the underlying schema of our database.
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